Sitting in the Car

So I'm sitting in the car waiting for my mom's friend to show up. While I'm here, I'm going to tell you what I'm working on and why I've only been posting Random Thoughts for a while.


We entered the restaurant and now I'm sitting waiting for my mom to bring me food. The restaurant is Portillo's, by the way.

Anyway, I'm working on:
-Once Upon a Girl: The Beast of a Book (little spoiler)
-Fox Springs
-Pimienta Times
-Stayin' alive
-The Curious Case of Margaret O'Donahue

That's it. I've also been brainstorming different things. Reading Onion Juice is also fun.

Stay warm and safe!

(This would've been released sooner but my baby sister spilled the salt on my phone. When I say sooner I mean like ~4 min sooner.)

Edit: I'll have ~13 hours to write about what I'm doing today. :) Also the survey exists.


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