Hot Pocket!!! (I'm also back home)

I haven't had a Hot Pocket in 5 days so this is great.

I got back home around 2 am and I'm just now having a Hot Pocket. I went to go sit down-
hold up my Hot Pocket just dinged
So I went to go sit down to get to work on the school work I missed, and went "huh I'm hungry. I wonder if we have any Hot Pockets..." I ran to the kitchen and threw open the freezer to find
☆The Last Hot Pocket
Thus I chucked it into the microwave and now I'm eating it.

In other news, I'm still not done so I've got work to do. I should get something else posted today that is actual quality.

But art also exists so I don't know.

(oh shortest post since 5k posts)


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