Some Info (not 100% necessary)

So this isn't going to be some long rant. It's just a list of some things I'm working on and some hopes for this blog.

Things I'm working on:
  1. A new banner (my current one is a little old)
  2. Fox Springs (of course I love this series)
  3. Small stories that don't exactly relate to anything
  4. A small survey to see how my blog is doing
Hopes for this blog:
  1. More views/followers
  2. I want to put in some more writings/effort
  3. Better quality writings (only I can fix that)
  4. A community (like on Google+ or some other site)

You don't have to do anything like follow me (although if you wanted to follow me before this post then go ahead) or look at posts several times.  I was just writing a few things down. I hope you enjoy my blog and have a stupendous Saturday.

Edit: If I don't have the followers option then that's on me sorry


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