I was busy
Sorry there was no Pimienta Times today. I was busy at a free skate and was shopping.
The free skate was fun. I play hockey so I’m pretty good at skating. Kept showing off to my friend that I brought with. Tried to do some figure skating moves because Yuri on Ice exists. By the way, that anime is great and the animation is amazing. I failed the moves of course because I have hockey skates and not figure skates. I can do two spins, though. I listened to my music at one point and skated to that but later I found out that’s not allowed (phones on the ice). Whoops. But skating was fun. Hopefully I’m going to another free skate tomorrow with another friend from my hockey team.
I’ll release another Pimienta Times tomorrow (hopefully). If not, then on Monday. Pimienta Times seems to be popular so I’ll try to keep that up.
(My legs hurt from skating after 1-3 months of nothing.)
For those of you in school, have a great time in school and I hope you get good grades.
For those of you still in summer, cherish what is left.
If none of the above, enjoy what’s left of the weekend.
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