Hot Pockets

Hot Pockets are freaking amazing. They’re great for when you have 8 minutes to eat before you have to leave for hockey practice. Hot Pockets can fix just about anything.

Running late? Hot Pocket!
Life falling apart? Flexta-  Hot Pocket!
Need some food that’s mediocre? Hot Pocket!

Hot Pockets are great because there are so many different kinds. There’s classic (pepperoni, cheese, sauce), one with chicken, cheese, and broccoli, another kind with jalapeños, cheddar, and ham. The list goes on!

Plus Hot Pockets you can make in 2 minutes and eat in 6*. They only cost the low low price of
A low price!
I think for about $12 you can buy a box of about a dozen.

In conclusion!
Hot Pockets are one of my favorite foods and I don't know why people like McDonald's more than Hot Pockets. Hot Pockets are great. Go eat some.

*eat time varies from person to person we are not held responsible for anyone who eats a Hot Pocket not in 6 minutes

I am in no way sponsored by Hot Pockets.


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