Bathrooms for Whom?
Bathrooms for Whom?
Why be held back by your gender? Unless you like your gender, go to the bathroom you feel more comfortable in. I advise people to do that. Government and all of those people should pass a law saying:
“Those who are male or female should use the bathroom where they identify as.”
I'm not just saying this. I believe and think that. That law should be passed! Just because your a guy or girl on the outside, doesn't mean you're a girl or guy on the inside. I’m speaking my mind right now. Wait! I’m typing my mind right now. (ha ha) Ahem. So yeah.
I care because people should be themselves. They shouldn’t hide who they are. It’s important to be you other wise you don’t know who you are and you could feel sad and depressed and maybe defeated. I know this is heart breaking because 40% of transgender people attempt suicide.
I think they might want to die because they can't live with being someone they’re not. And they get pushed around and bullied. If they are allowed to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity, then they feel like they can be honest about themselves.
I concluded that transgender people should be allowed to use the bathroom they feel most comfortable in. Also that they should be allowed to go about their lives living who they are. And the thing in quotes I wrote, I still think should be passed. Transgender people should be able to live a normal life.
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