Owls: The Masters of the Night

Swoop. Dive. Catch. Those words apply to owls. There are many different types of owls. Some of them are the Screeching Owl, Snowy Owl, Burrowing Owls, and the Barn Owl. Also the Elf Owl and the Tawny Owl.

Owls come in many shapes and sizes. They have wide eyes that help them see at night. Owls also have soft feathers that help them sneak up on their prey. And dish shaped faces to help them to hear better. And of course, their beaks and talons to catch and eat the prey. Owls are part of the raptor family.

Owls live almost everywhere in the world. You can owls even in your back yard. They live in trees mainly. But some owls, like the Elf Owl, life in cactuses. Others live in burrows. Like the Burrowing Owls. If an owl is desperate, it might live in a large pipe. Owls like the Barn Owl live in, well, barns!

Some foods that owls eat are rats, mice, and moths. Most owl eat rats and mice, while Elf Owls eat moths and beetles. And sometimes they eat kangaroo rats and lizards. Mammals are an owl's primary food. What about Snowy Owls? Got that covered. Snowy owls eat small birds and mammals. In general, owls eat small  mammals, birds, and reptiles. Owls use their talons and beaks to catch their prey.

Life Cycle
An owls life starts with an egg. When an owl egg hatches,the baby owl has fluffy feathers. Not very good for flying yet.Young owls have those fluffy feathers is because it keeps them warm. As it gets older the owl's "baby feathers" start falling off, and better flying feathers start to grow in. About then is when owls start flying. Finally the adult flying feathers are all in. Perfect for flying!

Fun Facts
  • Owls are part of the raptor family
  • Elf owls and Burrowing owls life in the same desert
  • Owls don't have a sense of smell
  • Ms. Brechbiel LOVES owls.


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